SARL Loire Secrets is a limited liability company registered of Trade and Companies of Angers under the number RCS Angers 448 534 735-NAF 7911 Z whose register office is 82T Levée du Roi René, Saint-Mathurin-Sur-Loire, 49250 LOIRE AUTHION, FRANCE.
SARL Loire Secrets Registration IM 049130001

General conditions of sale governing the relations between travel agents and their clients are governed by French inter-ministerial order of June 14, 1982.
SARL Loire Secrets informs the public that all demands of booking for any of the programs proposed by SARL Loire Secrets implies adhesion without reserves to the general conditions contained which might be applicable for a specific supplier or program.
The service or services being the purpose of a contract between SARL Loire Secrets and the client company will be defined in a document called “COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL”